Technology at Work
An expanding reliance upon technology has transformed policing in many ways. New and emergent technologies have increasingly critical roles in the daily work of officers; and largely dictate the probability that a department meets the expectations of citizens. Enhancements in technology, like unfettered police officer access to real-time information from police vehicles, new in-car video systems that integrate with body cameras, "smart weapons", and link/communicate with other on-officer cameras within range, enhanced technology has the potential to revolutionize policing, by increasing transparency and offering better information to officers quickly -which allows them to design their own plans to prevent or investigate crimes in their beats. Below we highlight some of the technology in use by the Fort Worth Police Department, made possible from funding sources, such as CCPD.
In-Car & On-Officer/Body Camera Program
The Fort Worth Police Department has been a leader in utilizing body-camera technology, and is proud to introduce a new in-car video system that integrates with officers' body-cameras, as well as linking/activating the system of other officers within range.
Axon Fleet Launch from Axon on Vimeo.
Electronic Ticket Writers
The Fort Worth Police Department, along with the City of Fort Worth Code Compliance Department and Transportation/Public Works Department, recently purchased a new electronic ticket writer solution. While the Police Department already utilized electronic ticket writer technology, this new solution allows us to expand the program from just over 20 devices, to 150, and harness the latest E-Citation technology. Instead of hand-written citations that have to be re-entered into the court management systems, officers will easily be able to enter citation information in a mobile device, which is automatically uploaded into our court management system. This will reduce the time spent on traffic stops, and increase safety - not just for the officer, but for the accused violator.
Neighborhood Camera Program
The Police Department recently invested approximately $900,000 for cameras that have, and will continue to be, installed in strategic areas through the City of Fort Worth, such as the historic Stop Six neighborhood, in an effort to aid in public safety and neighborhood revitalization, as well as other popular areas within the city, such as the West 7th St corridor.